IC-Hersteller Microchip

IC-Hersteller (99)

Microchip HV9860 | Demoboard HV9860DB1

Non-Isolated, Flyback, LED Driver Demoboard with a High Step-Up Ratio


Eingangsspannung22-26 V
Ausgang 1360 V / 0.12 A


The HV9860DB1 is a non-isolated, flyback, LED driver,which drives a 360V LED string at 120mA from a 24V input.The demoboard uses Supertex’s HV9860 LED driver IC.The board is designed to be restricted to a maximumthickness of 15mm, which demonstrates the usage of theHV9860 as a low profile LCD backlight driver.The HV9860DB1 includes hiccup mode protection for bothshort circuit and open circuit conditions to ensure that itrecovers from a momentary fault condition. In particular, itfeatures a safe latch-off mode protection for short cathodedetect. In this way, it enables the board to survive prolongedfault conditions without any damage to both the driver aswell as the LEDs.

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