IC-Hersteller Monolithic Power Systems

IC-Hersteller (96)

Monolithic Power Systems MA100

Angular Sensor for 3-Phase Brushless Motor Commutation with Side-Shaft Positioning Capability


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The MagAlpha MA100 is a magnetic sensor designed to replace the 3 Hall switches for commutation in 3-phase brushless dc motors. The IC detects the absolute angular position of a permanent magnet, typically a diametrically magnetized cylinder attached to the rotor. The MagAlpha is an extremely fast acquisition and processing sensor, allowing accurate angle measurement at speeds from 0 to 120’000 RPM.Since the measurement is spatially confined, the user has flexibility in terms of magnet shapes and configurations. This can help relaxing mechanical tolerances and, in case the end of shaft position is not available, the MagAlpha 100 can also operate away from the axis of rotation (“side-shaft” mounting).


  • U V W signals for block commutation
  • Built-in linearization for side-shaft mounting
  • Adjustable zero
  • 500 kHz refresh rate
  • Ultra low latency: 3 µs
  • Serial interface for settings
  • 8.5 mA supply current

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