IC-Hersteller e-Peas Semiconductors

IC-Hersteller (99)

e-Peas Semiconductors AEM10941

Highly-efficient, regulated dual-output, ambient energy manager for up to 7-cell solar panels with optional primary battery


TopologieSonstige Topologie


The AEM10941 is an integrated energy management circuitthat extracts DC power from up to 7-cell solar panels to si-multaneously store energy in a rechargeable element and sup-ply the system with two independent regulated voltages. TheAEM10941 allows to extend battery lifetime and ultimatelyeliminates the primary energy storage element in a large rangeof wireless applications, such as industrial monitoring, geoloca-tion, home automation, e-health monitoring and wireless sen-sor nodes.


  • Ultra-low power start-up:
  • Cold start from 380 mV input voltage and 3 μW input power (typical)
  • Ultra-low power boost regulator:
  • Open-circuit voltage sensing for MPPT every 5 s
  • Configurable MPPT with 2-pin programming
  • Selectable Voc ratios of 70, 75, 85 or 90 %
  • Input voltage operation range from 50 mV to 5 V
  • MPPT voltage operation range from 50 mV to 5 V
  • Integrated 1.2/1.8 V LDO regulator:
  • Up to 20 mA load current
  • Power gated dynamically by external control
  • Selectable output voltage
  • Integrated 1.8 V-4.1 V LDO regulator:
  • Up to 80 mA load current with 300 mV drop-out
  • Power gated dynamically by external control
  • Selectable or adjustable output voltage
  • Flexible energy storage management:
  • Selectable overcharge and overdischarge protection
  • For any type of rechargeable battery or (super)capacitor
  • Fast supercapacitor charging
  • Warns the load when battery is running low
  • Warns when output voltage regulators are available

Typische Anwendungen

  • PV cell harvesting
  • Wireless sensor nodes
  • E-health monitoring
  • Industrial monitoring
  • Home automation, Geolocation

Weiterführende Informationen
