IC-Hersteller Analog Devices

IC-Hersteller (96)

Analog Devices LTM8049 | Demoboard DC2244A

LTM8049 Dual SEPIC or Inverting μModule DC/DC Converter


Eingangsspannung2.8-18 V
Ausgang 112 V / 1 A
Ausgang 2-12 V / 1 A


Demonstration circuit 2244A features the LTM®8049, a dualSEPIC or inverting μModule® regulator. The demo circuitis configured as two stand-alone DC/DC converters with+12.0V and –12V output voltages from an input voltageup to 20V. The switching frequencies of both channelsare set at 1MHz on DC2244A. The frequency foldbackswhen the output is 15% below the target regulation pointduring a fault or output overload, thus protects the powerswitch from damage.Both channels can be configured as either SEPIC or invertingby simply grounding the appropriate output rail,component change, and/or PCB board cut. The maximumoutput current of each channel varies with the input voltage,and is 1A at 12VIN. The two channels can be paralleledfor higher output current with SHARE1, SHARE2 pins tiedtogether. See the Quick Start Procedure for more informationon the modification of the board, and paralleling oftwo outputs.The LTM8049 data sheet gives complete description ofthe device, operation and application information. The datasheet must be read in conjunction with this demo manualprior to working on or modifying demo circuit 2244A.

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3 Dateien WR-PHD 2.00 mm Jumper with Test Point 2 Jumper 3 Beutel
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