IC-Hersteller Microchip

IC-Hersteller (99)

Microchip MCP1631HV



TopologieSEPIC Buck-Boost Topologie
Eingangsspannung3.5-16 V
Ausgang 11 A


The MCP1631HV Digitally Controlled Programmable Current Source Reference Design is used to drive and dim one or more power LEDs in a series or parallel topology (depending on the LED’s capability). The reference design may also be used to charge one to four cell NiMH/NiCd or one to two cell Li-Ion battery packs. The board uses the MCP1631HV high-speed analog PWM controller and PIC16F616 microcontroller to generate the proper dimming ratio for LEDs or charge algorithm for NiMH, NiCd and Li-Ion batteries.The MCP1631HV Digitally Controlled Programmable Current Source Reference Design is used to evaluate Microchip’s MCP1631HV in a SEPIC power converterapplication. The MCP1631HV Digitally Controlled Programmable Current Source Reference Design is user programmable. Multiple user functions may be selected by re-compiling the source code. The board can drive LEDs or charge NiMH, NiCd or Li-Ion batteries with a maximum current of 1A. In Charger Mode, the MCP1631HV Digitally Controlled Programmable Current Source Reference Design provides a constant current charge (Ni-based chemistry) and constant current/constant voltage(Li-Ion based chemistry) with preconditioning, cell temperature monitoring (for Ni-based) and battery pack fault monitoring. In LED Driver mode, the MCP1631HVDigitally Controlled Programmable Current Source Reference Design provides a constant user defined current and a 10:1 dimming ratio. The dimming ratio and maximum current can be selected before compiling the source code. The board has LED indicators to provide multiple fault indication.


  • Input Operating Voltage Range: +3.5V to +16V
  • Firmware default output current of 700 mA with dimming ratio 10:1 (70 mA/step)
  • Maximum output current of 1000 mA
  • Maximum output power of 8.5W
  • Drive one or more LEDs
  • Firmware for charging Li-Ion, NiMH, and NiCd batteries
  • Single ON/OFF/Dimming switch
  • Status and fault indication
  • Hardware and software overvoltage protection (OVP) set to 9.0V. The software value can be modified in the source code to be less than 9.0V

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8 Dateien WE-DD SMT-Doppeldrossel 10 10 1.1 1.1 2.8 0.11 0.11 0.12 0.12 27 Gerade
Artikel Nr. Daten­blatt Simu­lation

Anstehende PCN

Aufgrund einer anstehenden PCN wird in Kürze eine Änderung am Bauteil durchgeführt. Anbei finden Sie die entsprechende PCN. Bei weiteren Fragen wenden Sie sich bitte an Ihren Vertriebsmitarbeiter.

Artikel Nr. Daten­blatt Simu­lation Downloads ProduktserieL1
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