Taylor Johnson - Customer Outreach Analyst
Taylor Johnson
Building Bridges, Emerging Technology
15. August 2023
Reading time: 8 Min.

Technical WebChat Released!

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Quote from Chat Customer

Have you heard? In many countries, Wurth Elektronik has officially launched a technical web chat.

This project started over 5 years ago with the intention to create a customized customer experience with direct and instant support for all customer’s questions. With the ability to talk to real Würth Elektronik employees in real time, we can help our customers solve problems quickly and have them test and use our products efficiently in their application.


What makes Würth Elektronik Technical Web Chat different from the others?

Our service is incredibly customized, quick, and efficient compared to other web chats services, because rather than relying on set questions and answers from chat bots, at Würth Elektronik you are talking to real people, every time. Have you noticed since technology advances, more and more businesses are utilizing chat bots to assist their customers? While this benefits the company because they are not required to hire more chat operators, it does not benefit the customer. Bots cannot think outside the box, they simply only know answers programmed in advanced. But what if you have a request for a specific design or project that is not standard? That is where our service stands out! You don’t have to go through multiple pre-programmed questions to get answers that don’t provide you with the exact information you are looking for. At Würth Elektronik you will be connected to a real person from the moment you open a chat on our website. 


At Würth Elektronik It’s all about people, you can see the blog we wrote about our dedication here.


In everything we do, we strive to provide the customers with the best possible experience, continuously investing our time, energy and other resources to perfect our service. With this amazing tool you are able to ask as many questions as needed and our highly trained chat team will assist you in any way possible.


What can the customers expect from technical chat?

Our chat team is well trained and knowledgeable and can help with a large variety of requests. For example, if you used a component from a different manufacture that is no longer a match or it doesn’t quite fit your current application, we can help by comparing products in our catalog and find you the best option. We can even get you samples sent for testing through our online chat support. To add the “more than you expect” value, we ship your samples for free so you can test the product in your application first and then purchase the parts for your production globally. Saving you a lot of time and money!

Are you interested in stock availability for a component you found in our online catalog? We can provide you stock information through our chat or connect you with your direct Würth Elektronik sales contact, so you are able to receive quotes, samples, and technical support or place a direct order for our products.


If that isn’t enough, we also provide documents such as application notes, datasheets, compliance certifications, and any other technical resources needed.


These are just a few examples for the things we are able to help you with. So, what are you waiting for? Go to our website and take advantage of this incredible free tool we have officially released for you to use!


Get in touch with the chat team by visiting our website and click on the chat icon at the bottom corner of your screen.  Get ready for the #MoreThanYouExpect experience!


#NotABot #RealPeople #WurthElectronics #WebChat #MoreThanYouExpect

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Profile picture: Taylor Johnson - Customer Outreach Analyst

Taylor Johnson

Customer Outreach Analyst