Building Bridges
08. February 2022
Reading time: 10 Min.

Würth Elektronik Libraries Installed Directly in LTspice

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If you are familiar with LTspice you may be excited to know that the Würth Elektronik libraries are now installed directly into the platform.

The Old Way

The preliminary board design is mapped out, the calculations have been performed, and the component values are determined. Before building an actual prototype, many engineers prefer to run a few simulations to ensure nothing was overlooked and that the design will operate as expected.

It should be easy, right? Let’s walk through it. You have the values chosen for the key components, and maybe even have the preliminary BOM laid out. Your morning coffee is made just right. The day is looking good. You open LTspice, the easy-to-use, free simulation software from Analog Devices. Then you start placing components in the schematic… the IC, voltage source, grounds, resistors, caps, etc.

Before you get too far, let’s take a step back. The goal of the simulation is to model the circuit as closely as possible so that there are no surprises when the prototype board comes back, right? Therefore, it makes the most sense to use models from the manufacturer, whose values are based on the real measurements.

Often, getting the models is cumbersome. Many manufacturers do not have the models, or the models are difficult to find. Maybe you are left with creating your own models. Once you have all the models, then you have to install them in the correct location before you can begin the simulations.

Ok, that took some time, but now you are ready to go. You’ve been working on this all day, but now you have your schematic laid out, all of your components are installed, and you are ready to run your first simulation.

The results are not what you expected. You need to swap out the common mode choke. It’s time to go find and install another model. It’s almost 5:00, so you will have to try again tomorrow.

Of course, this is a theoretical scenario. However, it is played out every day by engineers throughout the electronics industry. Searching for and installing models takes valuable time and can be a source of frustration.

But, there is good news: We brought our portfolio of parts directly into LTspice!

The New Way

When you open LTspice, Würth Elektronik components will be there waiting and ready for your use. Skip the searching, downloading and installing of LTspice files!

Würth Elektronik models can be found in one of two locations within LTspice: The built-in standard component libraries, or the components “Contrib” directory. A full explanation of how to use the Würth Elektronik model libraries can be found in our User Guide UG002.

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