IC-Hersteller Infineon Technologies

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Infineon Technologies CY8C4745AZI-S413 | Demoboard CY8CKIT-148 PSoC® 4700S EVKIT

Programmable System-on-Chip (PSoC)


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The CY8CKIT-148 PSoC® 4700S Inductive Sensing Evaluation Kit is a low-cost hardware platform that enables design and debug of the PSoC 4700S MCU. This kit demonstrates buttons and a proximity sensor using Cypress' brand new inductive-sensing technology, MagSense™. In addition, an FPC connector is provided to evaluate various interfaces, such as a rotary encod


  • Cypress MagSense provides superior noise immunity
  • Reliably detects metal deflection under 190 nm
  • MagSense software component automatically calibrates to compensate for the manufacturing variations
  • Up to 16 sensors
  • Cypress CapSense Sigma-Delta (CSD) provides best-in-class signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) (>5:1) and water tolerance
  • Cypress-supplied software component makes capacitive sensing design easy
  • Automatic hardware tuning (SmartSense™)

Typische Anwendungen

  • sensing of metal objects / sensing of non-metallic objects

Weiterführende Informationen


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6 Dateien WR-PHD 2.54 mm THT Pin Header 2 Single Pin Header Gerade 3 Beutel
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